Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday in Eronga

Wednesday in Eronga -

The kids have settled into their routine of workshops and are being more and more open to trying new things. Evan was caught off guard today when lunch presented him with only soup (pozole). But when he came back for seconds, he admitted this is the only soup besides miso that he likes! (Evan's parents, you might want to start finding pozole recipes!) Cassady and Ben are playing lots of soccer.

We've been visiting some of the classes. Yesterday we went to desilado (pulled thread embroidery) and saw Sasha, Camille, Sky, Anni, Kate, Lila and Ruby sitting quietly in a beautiful courtyard, embroidering. We also visited cooking, where Juliet, Maddy, Catherine, Kyle, Kenya, Queen and Marie were making tasty treats out of masa (corn), frijoles (beans) queso (cheese) and salsas. We even got to sample their hard work and it was fantastic. The classes are taught in people's homes in this village and in neighboring villages. The kids are really getting an opportunity to see how people live and to spend time with local people.

The weather has been beautiful! It's been in the mid 80s during the day, low 50s at night with a slight breeze and occassional showers in the afternoon. Nobody is getting overheated or sunburned, but everybody is getting lots of fresh air and excersize. This is a perfect time of year to be here. We've been trying to post pictures but we haven't been able to upload them, so look forward to seeing them when we return.

Every evening the camp has activities for all the campers. Last night they could choose between salsa and storytelling. Every PDS kid chose salsa. We could hear the music and their laughter, they had a great time. In fact, they had so much fun they requested to do it again on Friday night.

They're getting to know the other campers and counselers. Yesterday two little girls came back from town looking for Catherine and Marie with gifts they had bought for them in the mercado. Many of our girls are sporting new braids and hair styles courtesy of Bris, one of their counselors. The fourth and fifth grade boys have befriended our soccer players and are still arguing whether Liverpool is the best team or not. (Our students are not the Liverpool fans...)

Today we are celebrating Conner's birthday. This evening there will be a cake and singing.

Sasha has requested that we let you know how meaningful it is to the kids when parents post comments on the blog.


  1. Hi Everyone-
    This sounds like an AMAZING trip! I look forward each day to the new posting. Life here is NOT the same without you! Sounds like the Park Day kids are being adventurous and opening up to all the fun out there. WELL DONE!
    I wish I could just pop in and get a look at the whole scene. Can't wait to see the photos.
    Sending tons of blessings to you all.
    Mary (Will's mom) ps. I tried to post the other day but must have done it wrong- the question I asked then was for Karen- and whether she is finding any of that relaxation and time for reading Gretchen described? Hope so!!!

  2. It sounds like everyone is having a great time! The food sounds great! I am glad Ruby is there!
    -Siena (Cassady's sister)
    PS Could you tell Cass I say hi?

  3. Hi,
    It sounds like all of you are having a wonderful time and all of you have been embraced by the camp and the people of the town.

    I can't wait to try some of the dishes Maddy is learning to cook.

    Looking forward to reading about your further adventures.

    Maddy I ordered the bridles. The house is very quiet and all the animals miss you. The boys at the barn are fine.

    Hope all of the teachers and Tim are finding some time to do there own thing.

    Have fun.
    Pam (Maddy's mom)

  4. Happy Birthday Conner!!! We are glad you are having a fiesta!
    Please tell Conner to take a cooking class. We want some yummy Mexican food.

    I am so happy to hear that everyone is mingling and trying things. I sure wish I could go to the salsa party on Friday.

    Thank you for the wonderful posts. I really am feeling the trip.

  5. Hi everyone. Tracey (Ben's "mum") here.

    I too would love Ben to take the cooking classes. That food sounds yummy. Glad he's playing lots of soccer. Hope the young kids are teaching him a few skills!

    There's much less laundry to do here at home for some reason and we're all missing Ben. Sam doesn't have anyone to talk to about WOW and has resorted to taking tennis lessons (he's at one right now).

    We love reading Karen's posts. Keep having wonderful experiences over the next two days and look forward to seeing you Saturday.


  6. I love reading the posts every day. I can almost feel the sun and see what you're seeing. It really beats the view in my office!

    I must be daydreaming too much, though, because I thought I read that Camille was sitting quietly doing embroidery. I believe the embroidery-- it was the sitting quietly! :) It is very quiet at home. We miss the lively excitement you bring, Cam.

    So glad everyone is having a great time. Happy for all of you.


  7. Could someone confirm that Johnny is still alive? He hasn't been mentioned in the blog for a couple of days and I'm concerned that that nasty chupacabra got him.

    Please tell him the Saturday baseball game is being re-scheduled, so he won't have to miss it.

  8. Sounds like you are having a wonderful school trip (vacation)and a fantastic experience. I hope the tortillas are up to Catherine's standards. I can't imagine they won't be. Can't wait for her to come home and make some. We have been enjoying reading the blog. Thank you very much for writing it Karen. Berto misses you very much and so do we. Mom has been craving your chocolate chip cookies!
    Looking forward to tomorrows blog...

  9. hey guys - we're jealous! what a great trip! We can't wait to see the photos to match up with all the wonderful descriptions of activities and environs.

    We miss you!
    xo, Karen and Bo

  10. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Thanks for the blog posts as they help me visualize what's going on. Juliet I am so glad you are in a cooking class. I can't wait to eat some new meals. It sure is quiet at home without you...too quiet. Much love, Frances

  11. The house is so ...quiet. Dylan is enjoying being an only child! Lucky slept in your bed the 1st night. She misses you too. I made a lamb stew but it didnt have the touch of the chef. Te Quiero mucho y te extranamos mucho tambien.
    tu madre y tu padre y tu hermano y tu perro

    abrazos y besitos.. suenos con angelitos

  12. I wish those pictures would load. I can't wait to see what you are seeing. Like so many of the parents, I wish I could be there.

    I can't help but wonder what happens to those tumorless snakes. So, do they recover and then go about their lives again? And why are there enough of them that there is a class devoted to them? Huh.

    I'm also wondering if Alex has figured out how to bring Ruby home with you guys yet.

    We have a whole house full of people that miss Alex (and Lila and Cass and all the rest of you).


  13. Sounds like TOO much fun . . . I wonder if we'll ever see you all again. Love the posts and the pictures in my imagination. Been dreaming of tumorless snakes . . . hmmm . . . perhaps channeling Michael (miss you buddy). Can't wait to hear all the stories and see all the smiles. Keep at it!
