Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is It Thursday Already?

Today was the last day of workshops. This morning students finshed making sombreros, painted alebrijes,found Tarascan pot shards and dung beetle nests,completed toothpick sculptures, and medicated chicks and watched rabbits reproduce...just what every middle schooler wants! The reality of the week ending is beginning to set in . The other students at the camp are leaving tomorrow morning and there will be a lot of goodbyes.

This morning our girls took another fantastic hike and challenged themselves to embrace their fears. The came back excited and talking a mile a minute about everything they had seen and done.The boys were left to sleep in which they needed. Some of the boys arrived with colds from Oakland and were generous enough to one is horribly sick.

Last night the entire camp sang happy birthday to Conner in Spanish and English. The women in the kitchen made him a special birthday cake decorated with penguins because they heard he was from Alaska! He was very pleased. Last night they sang campfire songs in Spanish and enjoyed the beautiful night.

The food here has been fantastic and the kids are trying everything. Sasha said this was nothing like camp food in the US. Breakfast this morning was frijoles, papas, and chilaquiles, papaya and grapefruit. Every meal has incredible fresh fruits and vegetables. They also serve pan dulce and doughnuts at every meal as well.

Tomorrow we are sight seeing. We will go to Santa Clara del Cobre and they can see copper artisans at work. We will also visit Tzintzuntzan an archeological site. The people who inhabited this plateau before the Spaniards arrived were the Purepecha or Turascans. They are the only indigenous group the the Spanish did not conquer.

Lila taught the Montessori teachers from Toluca how to braid hair. Maddy and Rachel have been playing viscious games of Blink. Johnny really loves his exploration class . Kate has been a real trooper, she didnt flich when they had to cut the crests off the is nothing compared to an opposing futbol team! Alex is enjoying every minute and helped pick a special pig for Ruby in Patzcuaro. Kyle seems very at home here and is speaking Spanish to Tim...just to test him! Out of all the students, Tim has learned the most Spanish.


  1. Feliz cumpleanos a Connor!
    It sounds like the trip has been fantastico. I hope we all get to eat the delectables you've learned to prepare, to dance salsa with the Park Day pros, to learn about the Purepecha (how their time frame compares to the Zapotecans of Oaxaca area), to hear the kids pronounce "Tzintzuntzan", to hear Tim pronounce anything, to hear Ruby pronounce everything, to find out if there were any cute Italian tour guides at the archeological site (that's for Marie), to find out if grapefruit and mango were sold in the streets (Marie), to discover the survival rates of the kids who lived-and survived--without their precious phones, to have Kate prepare chicken for dinner when she returns, to find out about the little shadows following Marie and Katherine; to hear about Ruby and her year; to know what went on in the teachers' quarters (!), to find out how to say "blog" in espanol (could it be "blog"?),etc. It's very exciting to hear of your adventures and experiences; very cool! And thank you, Sasha, for reminding us to post to the blog. Finally, puede decir a Marie que su madre dice: "Te quiero y ojala que duermas con los angelitos!"


  2. We would like to see a picture of a Mexican pengiun!!!

    Tomorrow's adventure sounds amazing.

    You all will be happy to know that the weather here is creeping up into the 70's. It should be beautiful for your homecoming. (Or the morning after...)

    Not to rush you home or anything. ;-)


  3. I'm slightly puzzled why the girls went for a hike and the boys slept in. I hope that's not an emerging pattern of behavior.

    In any case, it sounds like a wonderful week for all the kids. I'll be particularly interested to hear Ben's Spanish used around the home. Perhaps we'll get more detail in Spanish than in English.

  4. Oh Anni, we miss you so. It sounds as if your all are having a wonderful time. I hope you are putting your camera to good use. I can't wait to hear about your trip. Livy and Mikey and daddy and granny miss you too.

  5. Looking forward to Saturday night. Life without Johnny is really boring and quiet. Tell him his pop sends a hug, but only if he's sick. (I wouldn't want to embarrass him in front of the other boys.)

  6. Lucky keeps going back into your bed -

    We are awaiting your arrival -

    we miss your cooking and of course you..

    dylan leaves saturday night @ 3:30 am in the morning - we have to drive him to the airport- you'll have time to give each other
    one more hug before he's off to washington -

    can't wait to see you - love,

  7. Dung beetle nests, penguin birthday cakes, crestless chickens and pig-shopping???!!! Sounds like a fantastical Mexican film or...a trip to Eronga! We LOVE reading the blog (and the comments) and send hugs to all those amazing adventurers!

    Katie-boo, we miss you more than you can know. Madison says not to worry, the real birthday celebration won't happen till Sunday when you're home. Drew and Char miss their punching bag and sounding board - you! - and I miss your zany laugh and messy room (if you can believe it). xoxoxoxo mommy

  8. Only 2 more days until we get to see all of you and hear about all of your wonderful person. We can't wait. It sounds like you have been spoiled with all that delicious food. Donuts and pan dulce at every meal. I'm jealous.
    I would at write something in Spanish if Catherine was here to help me. Oh, we needed some help last night. We should have had Catherine give us a lesson on how to post a message on a blog. She could have done it in 2 mins. It took dad and I about 1 hour. Dad was typing....
    We miss you very much and can't wait to see your smiling face on Sat. at the airport.
    Love and kisses,
    Mom and Dad
    (aka kitty co kitty)

  9. What an incredible gift this is for our kids to experience another country and culture in such a positive way. Thank you for making this happen!

    Kenya our life is so one dimensional without you - can't wait to have you home and hear your impressions and stories. We have Vegemite.(A poor second to Marmite I know, but it's waiting for you.)

    Love you to bits skattebol.

    Mom xoxoxox

  10. I know all of us miss you, but reading the blog has made me feel like I was part of the experience. But next time I think the parents should take the trip. Thank you Karen for the wonderful reports and thank you Park Day for making this possible.

    Have a great adventure tomorrow and enjoy every moment. Since the food was so good I guess you have all saved you power bars for the trip home. See you on Saturday.

    I have a friend who served chicken crests for dinner last night.


    Cheek- side bite, whatever arrived today. A true miracle happened, Maria cleaned her room. Keeping the fish alive!

  11. yo sash i hope your having a great time in mexico. Wake me up if im asleep when you get back.
    I love you,

  12. Dear Community Kids,
    I hope y'all are having a great time down there!

    Oh and tell Will to bring me back some Mexican Goldfish (Sabor Explosivo Queso JalapeƱo) preferably some from the mid 1990's. Oh and don't forget some Uno Mas Bebida De Energia to wash em down.

    Love Hal

  13. Johnny--
    We can't wait to hear about all of your adventures. Tomorrow night cannot come soon enough. I hope that you've been taking lots of pictures. Uncle Phil has been following the blog, and he wants you to know that you can visit him in Mexico lots over the next two years (while he works on the bicentennial celebration).

    Big hug from Mom.
