Tuesday, March 24, 2009

settling in...

classes have been chosen, kids are cooking, embroidering, studying biology and exploring the town. It is very exciting to see our students begin to mix with the other kids at the camp. Marie has a fan who is three feet high and follows her around, Conner and Cassady were playing a game this morning where (according to Conner) they get to throw balls at little kids. As soon as he said it, a¨ little kid ¨threw one at him and got him out! We are seeing a lot of smiles and hearing more and more Spanish as the days go by. Today will be workshops in the morning and afternoon with a visit to the weekly market.

Eronga is a town of 3000 people so market day is relatively small. What the kids will see arepractical (not tourist) things for sale...a little different from stores in the states. Everyone has been very warm and welcoming to us. It feels like a dream at times. Queen said it felt like a movie set. Lila, Alex, Cassady and Ruby are joined at the hip. It is wonderful to see them all together again. Will and Ben went into town with their counselor and bought journals to write in...Ben had to have a cover with Chivas!

The evenings here are cool but not cold with a lot of activities for the kids to participate in- they can sing, go for night hikes or even go to bed early. Tim is improving in his Spanish, Rachel and Karen are getting by and Beatriz is smiling all the time. We will post more tomorow morning, until then adios.

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I'm glad to hear that everyone is having such an amazing trip. Can't wait to see photos!
